New Year. Now what? Do you make resolutions? intentions? take it day by day? Here’s one way to approach the New Year.

mixed media painting by Nanci Hersh

Let Me Hold You, oil, spray paint on canvas, 24″x24″. ©NanciHersh

Recently I listened to a TED talk by Laura Vanderkam: How to Gain Control of Your Free Time . Here’s the take away, two things. 1. Prioritize. Busy, happy successful people make time for what they want to do.

2. Visualize yourself a year from now. It’s January 2018 and you’re writing your holiday letter sharing who you are, what you have done, experienced, accomplished in 2017. What does that look like?

I’m bringing that same question into my studio, my work in the community and into my personal and family life. I have been asking the teen residents I am working with at the Detention Center the same question; Where do you see yourself (where do you WANT TO BE) a year from now. That’s easy, they all say HOME. Then we go to part 2. The hard part. What will it take for you to be there, (not the Detention Center).

It’s all about breaking it down. Whether they are life skills or aptitude in the arts. We want things to be easy, simple, but the reality is that it take patience, practice, and a commitment.

It also takes support, but, it all begins with the belief- What is possible.

So for 2017, let’s begin with what is possible so that when we look back at this year our holiday letter to ourselves is the best gift of all.





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